Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Are u married or unmarried? If u are married, I think u are enjoying this bond of love and happiness. If u are unmarried, u are likely to dream about ur bride or ur groom. U may never ask yourself a question. The question: why should one get married? Interestingly, there are many positive and negative responses if the above said question is asked to anyone.

A boy is interested in a girl. Similarly a girl is interested in a boy. It is a natural phenomenon. It should not be avoided by most of us. But it is also true to a great extent that Indians (especially) believe in being Brahamachari which generally means one who does not indulge in sexual activities. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, Brahamachari means one who is in search of the God. Here, a general view is explained. Marriage is a great complex social process.